英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 21:39:16
Sure, sometimes it's perfectly acceptable to shoot off a short, all lowercase missive to a colleague.(诚然,偶尔辰给某个同事发去一封全是小写字母的简短信件完全可以接管。)
He believed he had two heads and was admitted to hospital suffering gunshot wounds from where he'd tried to shoot one off.(他认为自己有两个头,他入院的原因是他试图用枪打掉其中的一个头。)
It is dangerous to shoot off fireworks.(放爆竹是很危险的。)
Rock burst normally refers to the craze of the terrane with crepitation when the rock slices or rock pieces shoot off along with a certain direction or fall down.(岩爆一般是指在隧道开挖后,发生的一种带有爆裂声响的岩层开裂,岩片或岩块沿一定方向弹射出或坠落下来。)
They use body language, at most to shoot off the tongue, I use audiovisual language mainly.(他们用的是肢体语言,顶多打打响舌,我以视听语言为主。)
Users not only to look at the long tradition of video content and shoot off to see the original short video, so it is necessary to complete coverage.(用户既要看长的传统影视内容,也看拍客原创的短视频,所以需要全覆盖。)
But I'd counter that this form of anonymity does not free me from accountability, or allow me to shoot off at the mouth.(但我持反对意见:这种形式的匿名并没有使我免于责任,或者让我可以大放厥词。)
But then a marketing manager discovered that the best way to get some furniture back into a lorry, after a photo-shoot, was to take its legs off, and a new business model was born.(然而,一次一个营销经理发现给家具拍完照再将它放回卡车上最好的方法就是去掉家具腿。于是一个崭新的商业模式诞生了。)
Some tarantulas can also shoot the "hairs" off their legs which can Pierce human skin and cause great discomfort.(有些狼蛛还能使其腿上的“毛”脱落,但这些退掉的毛可以穿透人体的皮肤,让你有非常不舒服的感觉。)
Don't shoot off your mouth, you might regret it later.(不要乱说话,你以后可能会后悔的。)
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